Homeschooling Resources at Your Fingertips

How to Stop Summer Learning Loss

by Abby Parnell | Jul 13, 2015 | 2 min read

Summer is often a time of fun, relaxation, and a break from learning. But, you worked so hard this past year that the last thing you want is to take a step backwards. Unfortunately, summer learning loss can have disastrous effects and often students lose up to 30% of what they’ve learned during summer break. But, there’s good news! Academics don’t have to stop during the summer months. There are numerous summer learning options for families who want to put the brakes on summer learning loss and continue their student’s learning year round.

Homeschool Programs That Stop Summer Learning Loss 

Summer Bridge Workbooks 
My favorite summer school option was definitely Summer Bridge workbooks. The Summer Bridge Program takes students through a complete learning experience during their summer break, effectively stopping summer learning loss. One book provides lessons in math, reading, writing, science, and more. I know what you’re thinking, how on earth am I supposed to get my student to do school work during the summer? Summer Bridge isn’t long; it takes between only 15 and 20 minutes per day. It’s also exciting; each lesson is designed to hold the attention of your student through intriguing lessons, eye-capturing illustrations, and fun activities. Summer Bridge will help your student prepare for the next school year while still allowing them to have some fun!

Live Online Classes  
Speaking of fun, don’t miss out on our awesome Bridgeway Live Learning Labs! Homeschooling doesn’t have to mean giving up the classroom entirely, Bridgeway offers a way for students to interact with a live teacher and a classroom filled with students from all around the world! We offer classes in subjects including Biology, American History, Writing, Literature, and more!  You can find  a full list of the classes we offer and even a demo hereMiss the deadline? Don’t worry, classes start up again in the fall and are a great way to encourage collaboration and get your students excited about the school year.  

Dual Enrollment Courses 
Last, but not least I want to tell you about my favorite aspect of Bridgeway Academy: Dual Enrollment. Bridgeway is partnered with Davis College to bring college courses to high school juniors and seniors. This amazing program allows students to get college credit while in high school for a fraction of the price! My most memorable dual enrollment class was “The Fundamentals of Speech.” I always thought that public speaking was easy, however during this course I learned how to engage my audience on an entirely different level through numerous different speech styles.  Although it was harder than traditional college courses, I found that dual enrollment made a bigger impact on my learning and prepared me more for college than any of my other classes did!

These are just a few of the summer learning options for homeschoolers offered through Bridgeway. Summer learning loss isn’t inevitable and “summer school” doesn’t have to be boring! Use these fun summer learning options to stop summer learning loss and keep your students engaged and loving learning. And you’ll be thankful you did when the school year hits and your family sails smoothly into homeschooling once again.

Abby Parnell
Abby graduated from Bridgeway in 2014 and was one of the first students to participate in our dual enrollment program through DeSales University. She is currently studying to be a physician's assistant at Valparaiso University. Her hobbies include playing instruments, reading, and physical fitness.
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