Homeschooling Resources at Your Fingertips

4 Myths Keeping You From Homeschooling

by Cheri Stutzman | Oct 15, 2019 | 3 min read

Have you been thinking about homeschooling, but some doubts have stopped you from committing? Doubts like:

  • Are you going to have to figure out everything on your own?
  • Are your kids not going to learn what they need to know?
  • Can you even teach?

Homeschooling is a scary thing. There are a lot of unknowns, a lot of challenges, and a lot of trials that you have to overcome. Thankfully, it’s not as complicated as you may think and you don’t need to let the negative views surrounding it stop you.

Don’t let those doubts stop you from homeschooling. As you read on, you’ll see that those doubts can easily be put to bed.

Myth: You have to do it alone.
Truth: There are people and programs to help you.

You’re at home all day, solely in charge of teaching, gathering curriculum, and grading papers. And, you have to be a parent on top of that! Despite what you might feel, you don’t have to do it alone.

For the mom or dad trying to determine whether homeschooling is something they want for their kids, believing that they have to shoulder the entire burden can be terrifying. How can you be the sole educator for your kids if you don’t even know what you’re doing? How can you do it alone?

There’s a whole network of homeschooling moms and dads who love to talk about their experiences and share their tips and tricks. They’ve all gone through the same process and are eager to share what they have discovered! Join a Facebook group. Look up homeschool co-ops in your area. Find a homeschooling family or two who you can homeschool with.

And, if it’s the curriculum preparation that has you hesitating…don’t let it! Some homeschool programs, Bridgeway included, put curriculum plans together for you and will walk with you every step of the way so you don’t have to do it alone.

Myth: You aren’t trained well enough.
Truth: You don’t have to be!

While it might seem like you need to be an education major to teach your kids, you don’t. All you need is some creativity, a willingness to try, and a lot of love. They’re your kids; you know them best, and you can meet their needs better than anyone else. And that doesn’t require formal education training on your part. Let them learn on their own and build in them a desire to learn more.

Wondering what to do when they get into high school? With a little guidance from you, most teens are able to learn on their own. Many homeschool high school courses are set up so that students can learn straight from the textbook while you come alongside them for support.

And always remember, if you find it difficult, you can reach out to get help. Bridgeway is willing and able to help you figure out all of those homeschooling bumps!

Want to know more about homeschooling high schoolers? Check out our resources here!!

Myth: Your kids won’t be prepared for college.
Truth: Homeschooling teaches a lot of lessons that will help your kids make it through college.

Every homeschooler fears that their kids won’t be prepared for college. But, the truth is, if you are giving homeschooling your all and trying to do the best job you can, your kids will be well prepared.

Why? Homeschooling gives your children one-on-one support that they wouldn’t find in bigger schools. You get to work slowly through the subjects that they struggle with, and let them go further in the subjects that they love. You can push them to learn more, study harder, and love learning deeply. Those lessons will prepare them well for the future.

Myth: I can’t because I’ll fail.
Truth: Homeschooling has many different faces and if one thing’s not working, you can try another!

Truth is…you might, and that’s something you need to prepare for and accept. But you should never do something because you’re afraid of failure. Take it one step at a time, and if you get to the halfway mark and realize homeschooling isn’t working for you and your family, you can try something new!

There are still ways that your kids can learn at home without you having to teach. Places like Bridgeway offer Live Online Classes, where certified teachers teach your kids and all you have to do is be there for support. Or try Bridgeway’s Total Care Program which gives you the flexibility of homeschooling while providing full-year curriculum, accreditation, records, support and more.

Don’t overlook homeschooling because of any myths or preconceived notions you have. Homeschooling is a wonderful way to do school, and I know many families who couldn’t imagine doing life any other way.

Want to learn more? Bridgeway is here to help! Call 800-863-1474 to speak to one of our friendly representatives.

Cheri Stutzman
Personalized Education Like No Other!
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